Title is the first thing which is grabbing user attraction in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Most of the viewers are visiting a website based on the text shows (blue colored one above the site url) in the meta title part. Here comes the importance of optimizing a title tag. A title should convey a clear idea about the webpage, this should be a brief to the people like why do I visit this web site?Check below-mentioned title optimization tips. 1. Maintain the character limits: Title length should be between 0- 70 characters. 2. Position of Keywords: Try to place keywords in beginning as users read near about first 15 characters. 3. Long Tail Keywords or Keyword Phrases: Don’t use generic keywords instead try to use Keyword Phrases. For example, if your website is about Digital Marketing then don’t use ” Digital Marketing” only. Use “leading digital marketing agency in cochin” 4. Use Modifiers: Modifiers are being searched by users, so try to include words li...
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