Title is the first thing which is grabbing user attraction in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Most of the viewers are visiting a website based on the text shows (blue colored one above the site url) in the meta title part. Here comes the importance of optimizing a title tag. A title should convey a clear idea about the webpage, this should be a brief to the people like why do I visit this web site?Check below-mentioned title optimization tips.
1. Maintain the character limits:
Title length should be between 0- 70 characters.
2. Position of Keywords:
Try to place keywords in beginning as users read near about
first 15 characters.
3. Long Tail Keywords or Keyword Phrases:
Don’t use generic keywords instead try to use Keyword
Phrases. For example, if your website is about Digital Marketing then don’t use
” Digital Marketing” only. Use “leading digital marketing agency in cochin”
4. Use Modifiers:
Modifiers are being searched by users, so try to include
words like “best”, “reviews”.
5. Include Numbers or List type Title:
Numbers or List type increase the ranking in the SERPs so
include it in Title such as “5 Tips for Title Optimization”
6. Separate keywords with Pipe (|) or Hyphen (-):
Hyphens and pipes are important as they give results for
queries such as “search engine optimization” as well as
7. Use Acronyms:
Keeping in mind user’s perspective of searching it can be
“Search Engine Optimization” as well “SEO” so use both variations in writing
8. Unique Title for unique Web pages:
This SEO practice is useful from the user point of view as
to select the URL in SERPs. In the below example, it is shown that all 3 Titles
are same, so users will get confused to select one required URL. Target one
main keyword for one web page and add that keyword in the title.
For Example:
Marketing & SEO
Marketing & SEO
Marketing & SEO
all those pages above have a single meta title 'Digital
Marketing & SEO' which is not a healthy practice in optimizing a
webpage title.
9. Title for Home page:
Use the name of the website as title followed by tagline
using keywords or phrases of what the website is all about. Never start the
Title with The or welcome as it is difficult for users to search in SERPs
10. Title for other pages:
Start the Title with the keywords followed by company name
Note: For Local SEO,
Target Keyword + Target Location
Company Name may not be used as the user have come to your
page probably knows the company name
11.Don’t use too many keywords:
Placing too many keywords will result in keyword stuffing
and you get penalized for it.
12. Don’t use many synonyms: Using many synonyms will be
wastage of character limit as Google recognizes synonyms. Instead, place secondary
Conclusion: Use the above tips to optimize Title but keep in
mind that your Title should justify the content. If the user will not get what
he is looking for by clicking Title, there will be high bounce rate.
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